Wonder of Science Essay

                      DIGITAL THINK

Hello Friends I am Rohit . Welcome to my blog : DIGITAL THINK.

I am going to show you The Essay of  WONDER OF SCIENCE.

So let's Begin.

    " Science is the key which unlock nature for mankind " 
  1. INTRODUCTION  —  We are living in the age of science. It is the world of science. Science plays an important role in our daily life. Science has made impossible things possible. Science has changed the lifestyle of man. It has made our life easier and more comfortable. It has made the dreams and imaginations of man true. Science is the systematic knowledge of anything. 
2. SCIENTIFIC INVENTIONS  —  Science has given us many wonders. There are many inventions of Science. In this age we have many big and small things to use. We have everything to fulfill our needs likes : Electricity , Computer ,Trains, Car, Television , Radio, Washing mashing etc.

 3. ELECTRICITY  —  Electricity is the greatest invention of science. All the inventions of science are depended on Electricity. It runs factories, light our houses, workshop and so many things. Electricity is a source of light. Without Electricity our life has become a hell.
4. Means of communication  —  Television, Computer, Mobile, Radio, Newspaper etc. Computer, Telegraph and Mobile are the fastest personal communication. We can send our information in the public within few seconds with the help of means of communication.
 5. Means of Transportation  —  Science has given us different means of transport.                        



Air Transport : Science has given us Aero plane, Helicopter, Space craft etc. to fly in air and to travel into space. They are very important for us. We can reach any part of the world within few hours with help of Air Transport.

  • Water Transport : Science has given us Ships, Boats etc. to swim across the seas and carry load. They are very important for us. We can reach any part of the world within few hours with help of Water Transport.

  •   Land Transport : Science has given us Bikes, Cars, Buses, Trucks etc. to travel and to carry load from one place to another place. They are very important for us. We can reach any part of the world within few hours with help of Land Transportation.                                                                    

 6. Computer  —  Science has given us Computers. Computers are better  than Manpower. Their working ability is very high. Computer are doing a lot of service to modern man. Computer can do complex calculation. Computer memorize  a large numbers of facts. Computer is used in all most all the places in Shop, Institutes, Research center, Power station, Railway, Roadway , in Bank , in Education etc.                                                                 
      "Life without Computer is a body without soul." 

 7. Agriculture  —  Science has brought a great change in the Agriculture too. Science has given Tractor, Thresher and Electrical water pumps. Science has given pesticides. Science has made Dams and Canals for Irrigation. Science has increased the food production. 

 8. Medical science   —   Science has given us many medicines. Science has found remedies for deadly disease. Science has given eyes to blind , legs to lame , tongue to dumb and ears to deaf. Science has invented X-rays, plastic surgery and heart transplantation. Science has made the life of man  longer. Science has made us healthier.

9. Disadvantage of science   —  Everything has two aspect. Science has also dark side too. Science has given us many dangerous weapons like : Atom and Nuclear bombs. They can destroy the whole world within few seconds. Science has made water, air and soil pollution.

 10. Conclusion  —  We cannot separate science from our lives. We cannot live without Science. Science makes the life of man healthier and happier. Civilization is the result of Science. Science has both solace and a sword. Science is a great helper to modern man. Man is called the master of the world because of Science. Science is an angel in Peace and devil in War. 

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