
Best Trick for remember Oceans names in Sequence.

Digital Think Best Trick for remember Oceans names in sequence. Hello friends, Welcome to my Blog. आज मैं एक ऐसी ट्रिक के बारे  में  बताएँगे जिससे आप 5 महासागरों के नाम याद कर पाएंगे वो भी क्रम के साथ।  English Translation :  Today, we will talk about a trick that will enable you to remember the names of 5 oceans in order. So, Let's begin, The trick is "PAISA"  P  -   PACIFIC  OCEAN A  -   ATLANTIC  OCEAN I -   INDIAN OCEAN S -   SOUTHERN OCEAN A -   ARCTIC OCEAN I hope you enjoy my post. Please share my post with your friends & family and follow my blog. STAY SAFE  STAY HOME 

Best You tube channels for Hindi medium students.

  Digital Think Hello friends my name is Rohit and Welcome to my Blog. क्या आप हिंदी माध्यम के छात्र /छात्रा हो? यदि हाँ तो मैं आपके लिए ऐसे 5 You Tube channels खोज के लाया हूँ ,जो आपकी पढाई को और भी आसान कर देंगे। नोट : ये सभी  You Tube Channels की  List को  मैंने रैंक नहीं  किया है ,क्योंकि ये सभी चैनल्स बहुत अच्छा पढ़ाते हैं और ये  लिस्ट मैंने मेरे  Perspective से बनाई है , आपका Perspective कुछ और भी हो सकता हैं। 1.  Mathkeeda Subjects  :   MATHS Classes   :   9th and 10th 2.  Learn and Share Subjects :    ALL  SUBJECTS Classes :    10th and 11th 3.   Ekaksha Subjects :  ALL  SUBJECTS Cl asses   :  6th to 12th 4.    Suresh Lecture Subjects :  MATHS, SCIENCE, PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY Cl asses   : 6th to 8th MATH and 9th to 12th  MATHS, SCIENCE, PHYSICS and    CHEMISTRY 5.    Free Online coaching Subject : MATHS and PHYSICS Classes : 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th तो दोस्तों , ये थे वह  5 You tube Channels जो आपकी पढाई में मदद करेंगे , ऐसे तो बहुत सारे चैनल्स हैं , पर मैं उनको इस लिस्ट में

Which countries does the Tropical of Cancer pass Through? [ कर्क रेखा किन - किन देशो से होकर गुजरती है? ]

                                             Digital Think Hello friends I am Rohit. आज मैं आपको कर्क रेखा किन - किन देशो से होकर गुजरती है? उनके बारे में बताने वाला हूँ। कर्क रेखा कुल 16 देशो से होकर गुजरती है, तो चलो मैं आपको उन देशो का नाम बताता हूँ। English Translation:- Today, I am going to know about the countries through which the Tropic of Cancer passes.  The Tropical Cancer passes through total 16 countries, so let me tell you the name of  those countries. So let's begin. World Map 1.   Algeria Capital :   Algiers Located :   Northern Africa Continent :  Africa 2.   Niger Capital :   Niamey Located :   West Africa Continent : Africa 3.    Libya Capital :    Tripoli Located :   North Africa Continent :  Africa 4.    Egypt Capital :   Cairo Located :   Northeast corner of Africa Continent :  Africa 5.    Saudi Arabia Capital :    Riyadh Located :   Western Asia  Continent :  Asia   [ Middle East ] 6.    UAE ( United Arab Emirates) Capital :    Abu Dhabi Located :    South

Wonder of Science Essay

                       DIGITAL THINK Hello Friends I am Rohit . Welcome to my blog  :  DIGITAL THINK. I am going to show you The Essay of  WONDER OF SCIENCE. So let's Begin .       WONDER OF SCIENCE     " Science is the key which unlock nature for mankind "          INTRODUCTION   —  We are living in the age of science. It is the world of science. Science plays an important role in our daily life. Science has made impossible things possible. Science has changed the lifestyle of man. It has made our life easier and more comfortable. It has made the dreams and imaginations of man true. Science is the systematic knowledge of anything.       2. SCIENTIFIC INVENTIONS   —  Science has given us many wonders. There are  many inventions of Science. In this age we have many big and small things to use.  We have everything to fulfill our needs likes : Electricity , Computer ,Trains, Car, Television , Radio, Washing mashing etc.            3. ELECTRICITY   —  Electricity is the g